COLCHESTER and Harwich and North Essex’s MPs have spoken out about the campaign to make the Middlewick Ranges a site of special environmental interest to prevent development.

Buglife, Butterfly Conservation, Colchester Natural History Society, Essex Field Club, Essex Wildlife Trust and the community-led Friends of Middlewick presented evidence last week to the Government’s environmental advisor Natural England.

In the document, the six organisations say the 76-hectare site “clearly meets” the strict criteria used to identify Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) – the most important places for wildlife.

Labour - Pam Cox is Colchester's first Labour MP since 1945Labour - Pam Cox is Colchester's first Labour MP since 1945 (Image: Colchester Labour)

When asked if she supported the campaigner’s plans for the Wick to become an SSI, Colchester’s MP Pam Cox said: "We know Middlewick Ranges is an important wildlife habitat.

“Along with many Colchester residents, I welcome the work of local volunteers and groups seeking SSSI status from Natural England and look forward to hearing the outcome."

Conservative - Sir Bernard Jenkin has been the MP for the Harwich area since 1992Conservative - Sir Bernard Jenkin has been the MP for the Harwich area since 1992 (Image: PA)

Sir Bernard Jenkin, the MP for Harwich and North Essex, was also asked about the Wick becoming an SSSI.

Due to recent boundary changes, the vast majority of the Wick is in his constituency with only a “sliver” being in Pam Cox’s according to campaign group Save the Wick.

Mr Jenkin said: “Awarding Middlewick with an SSSI is an interesting proposal which would end the threat of development once and for all.

“Recent proposals have only reinforced the need for protections, and I am waiting a response from the Government to my own concerns. 

"I would be pleased to meet the campaigners to hear about the merits of this plan and see whether it offers the solution we need.”

While Pam Cox previously told the Gazette a week after she was elected in July that she was “not stepping back” from the Wick despite boundary changes.

Ms Cox also said to her understating, it was “not likely” that the national Labour government could overrule any local consensus for building on the Wick.

The Middlewick Ranges is a former Ministry of Defence (MOD) firing range, which has since become used by the public as a nature space. 

The MOD currently has the land on sale for development, with 1,000 new homes being planned. 

Defence Secretary John Healey has been contacted for future comment.