A ROAD in Stanway could be getting certain restrictions revoked and a new pedestrian crossing installed it has been revealed.

An Essex Highways proposed traffic regulation order is currently in consultation for Villa Road.

If successful, a ‘School Keep Clear’ restriction from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 9.30am, and 3pm to 4pm, will be removed.

The restriction is currently in place from the southern boundary of No.34 Villa Road for a 50-metre stretch going north down the road.

Alongside this, a zebra crossing will be placed near Stanway Primary School in Villa Road.

Signage - Stanway Primary SchoolSignage - Stanway Primary School

The crossing will be situated 17 metres north of the properties of no.32 and no.34 Villa Road.

The width between the crossing give way lines will be 6.7 metres, its zigzags will be 13.4 metres north of the crossing for the width of the road and 30.28 metres south of the crossing.

Essex County Council is using money from the fourth Active Travel Fund which was announced by the UK Government in February 2023.

In May 2023, the council submitted a bid and was awarded £5,270,000 of funding in order for the authority to deliver Active Travel Fund schemes across the county.

Restrictions - A No Stopping restriction which will be revoked outside the primary schoolRestrictions - A No Stopping restriction which will be revoked outside the primary school (Image: Google Maps)

According to a statement of reasons document in the traffic regulation order, the council has “been working and engaging with Winstree Road Schools” since 2018.

The Winstree Road Working Group which comprises of school representatives, the council’s travel panning team, and design representatives from Essex Highways, have been meeting to explore the Healthy School Street Interventions.

The next phase of Healthy School Street Interventions is the introduction of the zebra crossing in Villa Road which is parallel to Winstree Road.

The document said: “This proposal is supported by the schools and specifically requested by the Stanway Primary School.

“It would also provide safe access to a secondary school entrance on Villa Road.

“This proposal will help in making crossing Villa Road for school children safer.”

The consultation closes August 9.