A WOODLAND site which spans the equivalent size of 21 football pitches is being taken over by Colchester Council to help safeguard it for future generations. 

Iron Latch Woodland, in Eight Ash Green, boasts a diverse range of flora, fauna, nightingale birds, great crested newts, and grass snakes.

It is now hoped the site will be preserved for the future. 

The land was transferred to the council as part of a section 106 agreement by a developer. 

The agreements are put in place to make sure home builders give back to the community.

Nature - Iron Latch WoodlandNature - Iron Latch Woodland (Image: Colchester Council)

The woodland is home to both wildflowers and wetlands.

The council's countryside ranger team will manage Iron Latch Wood to "benefit both wildlife and the public".

Colchester Council is now asking Colchester residents what they want to see happen at the site. 

Delighted - Councillor Martin GossDelighted - Councillor Martin Goss

Martin Goss, the portfolio holder for waste, neighbourhoods and leisure, said: “The acquisition of Iron Latch Wood is a significant addition to Colchester's green spaces.

“We are committed to preserving this natural habitat and making it accessible for everyone to enjoy.

“Public feedback will be crucial in helping us manage the site effectively and sustainably.” 

Some Gazette readers have shared their thoughts on the acquisition on Facebook.

Colchester resident Tracy Griffin would like to see a eco-friendly play area installed.

She said: "A natural play area with swings made from recycled wood and  a designated bridle path for horse riding."

Fellow reader Steve Mann said: "Do not allow any building on it or charge an entrance fee to the woodland."

Lexden and Braiswick Ward Councillor Lewis Barber said: “We welcome Colchester Council’s commitment to engaging with the community on this important environmental site.

"It is vital that we have our say to ensure it is protected and safeguarded for current and future generations to enjoy.

"We will be working to ensure our community’s views are involved in the decision making and this wonderful green space preserved forever.”

To complete the survey, visit tinyurl.com/2s3ez4bp.