OVERGROWN bushes blocking a footpath in Colchester have sparked safety fears, with pedestrians being forced to walk on the road.

Part of the pavement in Berechurch Road is completely obstructed by bushes.

Tight bends along the road mean there are also concerns for road users.

Overgrown - The bushes are clearly obstructing the pavementOvergrown - The bushes are clearly obstructing the pavement (Image: Dave Harris)

Shrub End and Berechurch councillor Dave Harris said: “You would think that the council would know the land is owned by someone else and get in contact with them.

“The overgrown area has completely blocked the pavement and it is dangerous. A year ago, a man fell off that pavement because he couldn’t get past the brambles where they had overgrown.

Blocked - Pedestrians have no way of getting throughBlocked - Pedestrians have no way of getting through (Image: Dave Harris)

“They need to sort their highway so people can get through.

“At a point you can’t see past and if you’re driving a car down there, you drift to keep away.

“Imagine a cyclist trying to keep to the side of the road. They will need to drift into the middle and put themselves at risk.”

The overgrown bushes affecting several stretches of the road up to the junction with Baronswood Way.

A spokesman for Essex Highways said: "All verges and foliage we are responsible for are cut back twice a year in June and October.

“If we receive reports of safety issues, we will carry out ad-hoc clearances where possible, but we would ask landowners to stay on top of overgrown foliage from their private land.

“This foliage in Berechurch Road, Colchester, is privately owned. Its ownership is currently being investigated, after which appropriate follow-up action will be considered.

“We encourage residents to report any issues with foliage through our online 'Tell Us' tool at https://www.essexhighways.org/tell-us.”