LAST Thursday was International Cat Day, and you sent us photos of your feline friends.

We enjoyed every picture you sent us, and especially some of the stories of your furry family members knocking over plant pots and snuggling in blankets.

It was also lovely to hear how your pets have helped you through hard times, whether you’ve had them for three weeks or 13 years.

Here are ten of your cats to celebrate your purr-fect pets!


“Did nature ever design a more perfect animal than the cat?”


Here’s Bug Wolfman Tunmore’s “cheeky” cat Tikanni.

Cat number 1Cat number 1- Tikanni (Image: Bug Wolfman Tunmore)

Below is Tilly, one of Cilla Webb’s cat’s adorable kittens. (Look at her little paws!)

Cat number 2- Tilly Cat number 2- Tilly (Image: Cilla Web)

Anita Poole Ellison sent us Socks. She wrote: “He was a community favourite in Earls Colne, visiting shops, people, and the local school where he would come and sit in the reception or stroll around the playing field to see the children.

“Sadly, he passed away and is still very much missed.

“The local primary school has a display of the village in their main hall with a mini-Socks that is hidden for the children to find.

“Sleep well little man, you were loved by a whole community.”

Cat number 3- Socks Cat number 3- Socks (Image: Anita Poole Ellison)

Jenny Minton commented on her cat below: "‘Crimble Crumbles’ who chose us to be her family a few Christmas’s back- how lucky we were/are! We love her to bits!" 

Cat number 4- 'Crimble Crumbles'Cat number 4- 'Crimble Crumbles' (Image: Jenny Minton)

Mandy Fox’s cat Dave is known as ‘The Magical Cheese Wizard’. He’s reportedly a menace to pot plants, but “so cute and squishy.”

Cat number 5- DaveCat number 5- Dave (Image: Mandy Fox)

Cat number 6 is Claire Sharples' cat Buddy.

Claire said: “This is Buddy, he was diagnosed with FIP feline infectious peritonitis when he was 4 months old and we nearly lost him but thanks to a new drug, he is still with us!”

Cat number 6- Buddy Cat number 6- Buddy (Image: Claire Sharples)

Here is Pia Evelyne Backman’s cat Angel, who loves to snuggle up in this blanket.

Cat number 7- Angel Cat number 7- Angel (Image: Pia Evelyne Backman)

Here’s Mel Hand’s new kitten called Marzipan!

Cat number 8- Marzipan Cat number 8- Marzipan (Image: Mel Hand)

Halle Groves also showed us her 10-week-old kitten, Vincensa (Cens for short), who loves ice cream and jumping on heads. 

Cat number 9- Vanchensa Cat number 9- Vincensa (Image: Halle Groves)

Chris Wilkin's cats Velcro and Moonflower enjoy heavy metal, eating, and sitting on his chair. 

Cat number 10- Moonflower (and her brother Velcro)Cat number 10- Moonflower, and her son Velcro (Image: Chris Wilkin)

Thank you for all your cats! 

Did you know August 10 is National Spoil Your Dog Day? 

We'll look forward to the next pet holiday where you can share your wonderful pets with us again.