Clacton Carnival kicked off on Friday, with hundreds of revellers flocking to the streets to enjoy the fun.

So far, carnival goers have enjoyed a party on the square, fun on the pier, a carnival procession and a carnival fun day with a mascot race.

People can also look forward to adventure golf, an egg throwing contest, a quiz night, and more.

This year, the carnival theme is ‘Mother Nature’s Natural World’, which leaves lots of room for the imagination for floats and costumes.

Clacton Pier also ran a special event with discounted rides for three nights, which saw a “huge turnout”.

Nigel Brown, Clacton Pier’s communications manager, said: “The attraction is always keep to support the local community and give something back to the town.

“The carnival is very close to our heart as it began on the pier in 1922 and is a major part of the annual programme.

“Clacton Carnival Association works very hard to put on a week of activities and we are very proud to support its effort which also raise much-needed funds for good causes.”

The street procession for 2024 was for Clacton RNLI and other local charities.

The final amount raised from the procession was a whopping £2,886.45.