A DEFENDANT who never passed his driving test claimed he didn’t know he wasn’t allowed on the roads, a court has heard.

Ashley Bottley, from Colchester, was in Northamptonshire last month when the number plate of the car he was driving was flagged by ANPR cameras.

The uninsured vehicle was stopped by police, and Bottley – who has eight previous driving offences and owes more than £10,000 in court fines – later admitted driving whilst disqualified and using a car without third-party insurance.

Licence – it transpired Bottley has never passed a driving testLicence – it transpired Bottley has never passed a driving test (Image: iStockphoto)

Colchester Magistrates’ Court heard on Tuesday how Bottley was serving a driving ban even though he had not obtained a licence in the first place.

Magistrates were unimpressed when they were told by defence barrister Paul Baker that Bottley, of Swan Close, Colchester, was unaware he was serving the ban, which was due to last until January.

Mr Baker said: “Bottley was unaware he had been disqualified for driving by your colleagues in Suffolk earlier this year.

“We suspect the summons may have gone to the wrong address.

“He was unaware of the proceedings and disqualification until he was spoken to by police in Northampton in July.

“Since becoming aware of the disqualification, the vehicle remains surrendered with the police and Bottley himself has certainly not obtained another car.”

When chair of the bench Keith Smith asked Mr Baker whether Bottley, 27, would have had a full driving licence, he replied: “At the point of his happening he did not have a licence in his possession.”

There were further problems when magistrates were told by legal adviser Alison Ball that Bottley had £10,884 of court fines outstanding.

“He has paid some of the fines and some have been written off,” she said.

Magistrates decided to impose another driving ban, which will last one year, and ordered Bottley to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work.

Punishment – Bottley will serve another driving ban and must carry out unpaid workPunishment – Bottley will serve another driving ban and must carry out unpaid work (Image: Pixabay)

Mr Smith said: “We recognise you didn’t get initially made aware you were disqualified.

“However, you would have known you never had a full licence and so you are going to do unpaid work in the community with probation.”

Addressing probation, he said: “He has not passed a test, and you need to pass a test to be safe on the roads.

“The message has not got through over all these years he has been on the roads.”

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