HOTSPOTS for road traffic collisions have been revealed by online data which shows Colchester’s most dangerous junctions for drivers and cyclists.

Hundreds of road traffic collisions take place in Colchester every year, with 1,157 people injured in incidents from 2018 to 2022.

Six people were killed during that period.

Encouragingly, the most recent data available shows the number of people – be they cyclists, drivers, or pedestrians – injured in traffic collisions is at one of its lowest rates in recent years.

Low – no collision incidents were recorded at the Balkerne Hill roundabout in 2022Low – only one incident was recorded at the Balkerne Hill roundabout in 2022 (Image: Google Street View)

In total, 272 people were injured in such instances in 2022 – a 47 per cent decrease from the 512 recorded in 2000.

Looked at more closely however, the figures show the main reduction has come in the number of collisions causing slight injury.

The rate of serious incidents has reduced much more slowly – 43 were recorded in 2022 compared to 56 in 2000.

Data on the House of Commons Library can now show us exactly where the incidents occur.

One of the worst areas for the number of incidents in 2022 was St Andrew’s Avenue, with two van drivers, one pedestrian, and one cyclist injured at the Harwich Road roundabout that year on separate occasions. A motorcyclist was also seriously injured.

Colchester High Street and East Hill, despite having 20mph speed limits, recorded six incidents, three of which resulted in serious injury.

Of the 27 incidents involving cyclists that year, two were at the Albert roundabout.

Other junctions and roundabouts have statistically proved much safer by comparison – there were no incidents recorded at Hythe Quay roundabout, Hythe roundabout, and United Way roundabout in 2022.

In 2021, however, the pattern of incidents was quite different.

Incident – a man was banned from driving earlier this year after he broke a cyclist's foot at the Albert roundaboutIncident – a man was banned from driving earlier this year after he broke a cyclist's foot at the Albert roundabout (Image: Google Street View)

A mini roundabout connecting East Street and Ipswich Road was the site of four incidents, two of which caused serious injuries to a motorcyclist and car occupant.

It led to Essex Highways reformatting the mini-roundabout last year by removing one of the lanes approaching the junction from East Street.

The same year, there were three incidents involving cyclists in Turner Road and two in Northern Approach Road, including one fatality.

A coroner later ruled the cyclist’s death was the result of a road traffic accident and there were no criminal charges.