A NOT-FOR-PROFIT which helps rescue canines is set to host a fun day out for dog lovers and residents.

The Colchester K9 Rescue, was set up last year by Tanya Malone, and it helps rescue dogs, care for them, and finds “the best” foster and adoptive homes for the pooches.

Many of the dogs the rescue supports come from pounds across the UK, the streets, and different homes.

Today, Saturday, August 31, the Colchester K9 Rescue will host the Fun Dog Show fundraiser at The Hare and Hounds pub, in Crayes Green, Layer Breton, from 1pm to 6pm.

Dog - Winnie before and after her time at Colchester K9 RescueDog - Winnie before and after her time at Colchester K9 Rescue (Image: Colchester K9 Rescue)

There will be a dog show, craft stalls, ice-cream van, raffles and more available.

All dog breeds are welcome to attend as long as they are kept on leads.

Dan Simister, 22, of Colchester, helps out with the K9 Rescue and has had a passion for dogs all his life.

When growing up, he’s had family pets like Boxers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, and bull breeds, and he loves dogs because “they are very lovely and loyal”.

Event - the poster for the fundraiserEvent - the poster for the fundraiser (Image: Colchester K9 Rescue)

Since his time at the rescue, he’s seen dogs arrive at the rescue who have had burns, matting, starving, and he believes “the ones that come in the worst shape have the most love to give.”

He’s spoken about how the team are looking forward to the fundraiser.

Dan said: “We are very excited, this is our second show of the year, we did one in Peldon Community Hall, we are excited to get the rescue’s name out there.

“It’s just about getting the public to see what they can do to help dogs and to help the rescue.”

Before - Donny who is currently at the rescueBeing supported - Donny is currently at the rescue (Image: Colchester K9 Rescue)

The rescue works with Linkswood Vets in Halstead, to make sure they looked after and in better condition to how they arrived.

Any funds raised at the event will go towards vet bills and solely on the dogs they look after.

Dan said: “Mostly it goes onto our vet bills, we use Linkswood Vets Halstead, they are brilliant.

“We currently have two dogs with bad skin conditions, that can cost a lot with special shampoo and medication, so a lot of vet care.

“It goes on emergency boarding and food, all the donations go on the dogs.”

Cute - a dog named Crystal being helped by the rescueCute - a dog named Crystal being helped by the rescue (Image: Colchester K9 Rescue)

There will be 14 categories for dogs to be entered during the show, and it will cost £2 per entry.

Rosettes and certificates will be handed to the dogs that place first, second, and third in each category.

At the end of the fundraiser, a judge will choose the best in show and the dog will receive a trophy.

To find out more, visit facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091734949837.