ACCRINGTON Stanley chairman Andy Holt says his club and its fanbase have 'no case to answer' following an allegation of racist language being used during their match against Colchester United, on Saturday.

An alleged racist remark towards U's striker Samson Tovide was reported in the closing stages of the League Two match at the Wham Stadium, with a lengthy pause towards the end of the contest as it was reported to the officials. 

Colchester promptly issued a club statement condemning any form of racism, while Accrington Stanley last night stated they will not tolerate instances of discriminatory or prejudiced behaviour.


Accrington chairman Mr Holt has this morning issued an update, stating that his club have extensively looked into the racism allegation following EFL protocol and have found that they and their fans have 'no case to answer'.

Writing on social media, he said: 'Update. The club have followed the accusation of racism up extensively.

'There is a protocol on this that clubs go through in accordance with @EFL rules.

'The club and its fan base has no case to answer.'

READ MORE: Colchester condemn alleged racism at Accrington match

Speaking after the game, U's boss Danny Cowley said his heart was with his striker Tovide, following the allegation.

He said: “It’s not the first time it’s happened to Samson, I think that’s the truth.

“He’s had some stuff on social media which is clearly unacceptable and I feel embarrassed and I feel ashamed because this is just not right.

“It can’t happen and we can’t accept this.


“Credit to the referee (Tom Reeves) and credit to the security people at Accrington.

“They came over and they dealt with the incident and this is all we can do.

“My heart is with Samson and it’s not something that we want to see, in football stadiums."