A CARE home put on its own Olympics inspired event which saw a Colchester Olympian hand out the medals. 

Inspired by the Paris Olympics, Alderwood Care Home in Colchester hosted its own Alderwood Olympics. 

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The event saw 35 residents participate in activities including shot put, javelin, and a marathon challenge.

The event was organised by lifestyle co-ordinator Laura Birch to encourage the residents to stay active with a day of sporting events and supported by loved ones.

Residents completed a combined 352 laps of the garden—equivalent to the 26.2 miles of a marathon.

And the highlight of the day was the presence of former British Olympian Sarah Claxton, who has competed in the 100-metre hurdles at the 2004 and 2008 Olympic Games.

Claxton presented medals and trophies to the winners.

She said "What a fantastic day! It’s brilliant to see older people keeping active and doing such fun activities.”

Ann Cutting, 82, won the beanbag ‘shot put’ game, while Primrose McDonald, 80, won a medal for her efforts in the javelin, and completed laps for the marathon challenge, supported by lifestyle coordinator Louie Dillon.

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 She said: "We had such fun and everyone clapping and cheering really spurred us on to keep going.”

Both Ann and Primrose expressed great joy in meeting Claxton and participating in the games.

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Home manager Nicola Leaney added: "Exercise can make a massive difference to our residents’ independence and quality of life, improving their physical health, boosting their confidence and reducing the risk of falls. Stay tuned for our Winter Olympics in 2026."