A CONSULTATION has revealed how much drivers would need to pay if free Colchester parking spaces are axed. 

The North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) is looking at implementing the new system at four locations across the city.

The popular free spots in Colchester that might become pay-and-display include  Middleborough, Oxford Road, Clarendon Way and St John’s Green.

Middleborough, Oxford Road and St Johns Green will have a maximum stay of two hours between 8am to 6pm, from Monday to Sunday. 

With the new system, these spots will cost £2.30 for one hour's stay and £3.40 for two hours. 

Clarendon Way, Colchester, has the same opening times but no maximum stay.

The parking could cost £2.30 for one hour, £3.40 for two hours, £4.20 for three hours, £4.40 for four hours and £8.50 for over four hours. 

(Image: North Essex Parking Partnership)

There will also be some changes to permit holder times on the roads. 

Documents reveal the sites will also be pay by phone. 

The North Essex Parking Partnership said the move will "encourage motorists to consider the use of other modes of sustainable transport."

Richard Kirkby-Taylor, councillor for the Castle Ward, said he had questions over the permits for residents. 

He said: "Anything that means residents can more easily and reliably park is a good thing but that does need to be balanced against the removal of free parking.

"I do hope that there will be provision made for residents and that they won't have to pay disproportionately for their resident permits.

"I think we should be encouraging the use of public transport over people taking the car into town anyway.

"I will wait and see what the residents think before I commit to either supporting or condemning this."

Any objections should be emailed to techteam@colchester.gov.uk or sent to  https://nepp.traffweb.app/traffweb/2/PublicConsultation.

They can also be mailed to TRO Comments, North Essex Parking Partnership, PO Box 5575, Colchester, CO1 9LT.

All objections should be sent before September 29.