More than 100 objections have been received in response to plans for a temporary marquee for weddings and other events at an historic hall.

Angry residents have voiced their concerns after proposals were submitted for events to be held at a site on the Suffolk and Essex border. 

The application is for a temporary events marquee, which would be put up at Dale Hall in Lawford between May 1 and September 30. 

A planning statement said the marquee would be used for a range of events, such as a wedding, birthday party or corporate event.

Events would be limited to a maximum of 14 during the year.

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The marquee would dismantled when an event is not taking place. 

However, people living near to the historic hall have voiced their concerns, fearing disruption from the noise.

One person said: "I object primarily on the grounds of noise pollution.

"The proposed siting of the marquee is extremely close to many homes which currently enjoy quiet gardens. The addition of regular large parties and events throughout the summer would be a blight on the peace and quiet of neighbours." 

Another resident added: "I object to this proposal, a venue to hold events such as weddings late into the night, in such a built up residential area is not acceptable.

"The application for parking is completely unrealistic and so will undoubtedly lead to more cars parking in the residential streets causing dangers to other road users."

Other objections said the site location is in the centre of a quiet family residential area. and that the event/venue is not an appropriate place to hold outdoor-late night events on a regular basis at any time of the year.

Further comments said an increase in noise pollution will have an impact on all residents within the summers park and surrounding areas, causing disruption to sleeping patterns including extending hours of lighting.