A LITTLE girl with special needs has been left without education after the transport to her school did not show up. 

Lily Milton, 10, from Harwich, was supposed to start at her new school, Kingswode Hoe, in Sussex Road, Colchester, on September 3.

But Lily was unable to attend after the Essex County Council Transport For Children service did not pick her up from home. 

Lily has autism spectrum disorder and hypermobility. 

When she is unable to go to school she has been staying at grandmother Tina's house.

Mum Vicki Milton has been able to take Lily to the school on a couple of days, but her new job means she cannot take Lily all the time. 

Tina said: "Lily has been so excited about going to school. She has her uniform, new bag and lunchbox all ready to go.

"She’s an amazing little girl who sees no wrong in anyone and cares so much.

"She has autism and she needs that school environment. She needs the friendships and to enjoy her brand new school.

"It's such a let-down because you start getting the transport ready at the end of July, but now there is nothing and the council won't reply to anyone."

Tina says they have contacted Essex Council Council multiple times, but without success. 

She said: "Vicki got two or three emails and texts to confirm the transport had been put into place, but nothing showed up.

"The company has no phone number, no address and they don't reply to emails."

Each day Lily is unable attend school is classed as an unauthorised absence. 

A spokesman for Essex County Council said: “While it would be inappropriate to discuss an individual case, where a child changes school and a parent requires transport for the child, it is necessary for a new application for transport to be made.

“In this instance, we had not received such an application. We have reached out to the parent directly regarding this matter and will process any application as soon as possible.”