COLCHESTER’s High Steward has received a significant reward thanks due to his “lifetime of service” for the city.

Former Colchester MP, Sir Bob Russell, 78, has been awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship award by The Rotary Club of Colchester Forum, as a way of recognising his service to the city.

Over the years, Sir Bob was the city’s Liberal Democrat MP for 18 years between 1997 to 2015, has served as Mayor, and is an honorary Alderman.

Proud - Sir Bob with his awardProud - Sir Bob with his award (Image: Irene Kettle for The Rotary Club of Colchester Forum) Colin Bennett, past president of The Rotary Club of Colchester Forum, said: “I cannot think of any living person who has done more for Colchester and worked so hard for the benefit of our community.

“Sir Bob’s knowledge of the history of Colchester is extensive.

“We are delighted to have presented this award to Sir Bob in recognition of his lifetime of service to our city.”

Sir Bob said: “This is fantastic and a great honour.

“I have spent my entire public life, which started in 1971, promoting Colchester.

“Anything that is good for Colchester I support.

“Rotary is an outward looking organisation with your ethos service above self and I know you do much to support Colchester.”