RESIDENTS cut off from public transport services in a village near Colchester deserve better, claim councillors. 

Villagers in Rowhedge have been left stranded after bus services were cancelled.

Councillor Lee Scordis has written to Essex County Council leader Kevin Bentley to address the problems. 

He said: “Over the past year we have had serious roadworks on Rowhedge Road, requiring the road to be closed.  

“More are scheduled, including gas works, and it is likely Essex Highways will have to repair many of the potholes in the coming year.

"However, this is leading to First Buses unnecessarily cancelling bus services for the village, cutting off over 1,000 residents from any form of public transport.  

Outraged - Councillor Lee Scordis called the situation scandallous on XOutraged - Councillor Lee Scordis called the situation scandallous on X (Image: Councillor Lee Scordis)

“This is despite Fingringhoe Road, which is already a bus route, being open and accessible.

"It is completely unacceptable that First Buses continue to cancel this service when there is an easy workaround. 

“I am asking for your support in making sure First Buses uphold their duty in providing a bus service for the village.” 

Mr Bentley told the Gazette he has made enquiries and will follow up on the issue. 

He said: “Councillor Scordis wrote to me yesterday and I have already asked for this to be investigated further. 

“I am a regular bus user, and I understand the frustrations such matters cause, and I sympathise to those who also regularly use bus services and are directly affected in Rowhedge. 

Councillor - Kevin Bentley, leader of ECC, shares the concerns of bus usersCouncillor - Kevin Bentley, leader of ECC, shares the concerns of bus users “Of course, it is important that utilities and road repairs are undertaken. However, I have asked officers how better we can co-ordinate this and work with bus companies.” 

Bus operator First Bus assured the Gazette they have worked on a solution for the situation. 

Julian Elliott, head of network at First Bus East of England, said: “Since the announcement of the roadworks, we have been working closely with Essex County Council to find a solution that would enable us to continue serving Rowhedge. 

“I’m pleased to be able to let residents know that the S9 will be serving the village for the duration of the roadworks, via Fingringhoe Road as far as Rectory Road.  

“We understand the importance of our services to the communities in which we operate, and we will always try and find a solution that will enable continued access. 

 “Information is being place on bus stops in the village today.”