A POLICE officer has been given an official warning after being found guilty of failing to investigate a case correctly.

An investigation by Essex Police’s professional standards department found PC Thomas Lee had committed misconduct after he attended an incident in Colchester on July 9, 2023. 

He had seen a man who was waiting in an ambulance, who told him he had been assaulted. 

PC Lee’s colleague watched CCTV footage which confirmed the victim had been assaulted. 

The misconduct investigation found that PC Lee failed to listen either to the victim or his colleague, and incorrectly told the force control room that the victim had not been assaulted but received facial injuries as a result of a fall. 

He also failed to record the assault as a crime or take steps to secure any evidence. 

It was alleged that his actions breached Essex Police’s standards of professional behaviour of duties and responsibilities and discreditable conduct. 

At a misconduct hearing on August 27, misconduct was proven and PC Lee was given a written warning, which will last for 18 months. 

Assistant Chief Con Rachel Nolan said: “PC Lee’s actions fell well below the high standards we demand and expect every day at Essex Police. 

“All victims of crime must be treated with courtesy and respect, listened to, and supported and safeguarded as an absolute minimum standard as set out in police training and reflected in all our policies, to help them during what is a very distressing time. 

“The public rightly expect that all allegations of crime are thoroughly and robustly investigated.  

“I want to reassure the public that the overwhelming majority of officers, staff and volunteers are dedicated to serving our communities professionally and to the highest of standards.”