A TALENTED Colchester musician has spoken about working with a member of a chart-topping rock band for her debut EP.

Emma Sampson, 23, performs under the name of Flores Blue, and is a rising songwriter with a gift for crafting emotive, indie-rock tracks.

She has previously featured in The Gazette’s artists to watch list for 2024 and was also part of the line-up for Colchester Art Centre’s Colchester Against Racism gig in August.

Some of her highlights have included supporting fellow Colchester band She’s In Parties, and playing a live session with presenter Matt Plumb on BBC Introducing Essex and Cambridgeshire.

Bosh - Flores Blue in front of the Entertain EP artworkBosh - Flores Blue on set for the Entertain music video (Image: Nick Ilot) Music has always been something Emma has been drawn to.

She can remember singing in front of people for the first time at the tender age of six.

Years later at the age of 19, Emma studied a pop music course at Colchester Institute and started to join bands and gig from there.

In May last year after being encouraged by a friend, Emma applied for the Old Jet Airspace Programme, an incredible initiative by the Old Jet Arts Centre, based at a former US Air Force base in Suffolk.

The programme offers studio space, mentoring, and music industry contacts for emerging artists aged 18 to 25 in East Anglia.

In June 2023, Emma discovered she had beaten more than 100 other hopefuls and was accepted as one of the latest members to join the programme.

She said: “At the interview I remember just really wanting to be chosen.

“I was actually in a music studio when I found out the news that I had been successful in my application.

"I was so excited and happy, and remember driving home just smiling and singing.

“The programme has been intrinsic to my growth and development as a songwriter and producer.”

In the studio - (left to right) Jesse Quin from Keane, Charlie Throp, Joe Palmer, and Emma SampsonIn the studio - (left to right) Jesse Quin from Keane, Charlie Throp, Joe Palmer and Emma Sampson (Image: Nick Ilot)

Since then, Emma has been learning more about the industry and honing her craft, playing shows and releasing a string of Flores Blue singles.

Old Jet was founded by Keane bass player Jesse Quin.

Emma says she wasn’t nervous when she first met Jesse, and says he is a fantastic person to work with, who has a “great sense of humour”, which helps during long recording sessions.

Jesse mentored Emma and produced debut Flores Blue EP Entertain, which is out now on No Roads Records.

Emma said: “The most insightful things I have learnt from him are mainly about songwriting and trusting my gut.


Learning - Emma in the studioLearning - Emma in the studio (Image: Nick Ilot) “He has worked with some incredible people in the music industry, so I knew it was important for me to take his advice on board.

“I feel so lucky to be able to release music.

"This EP is the start of my discography which feels exciting. I'm hoping there will be many more releases to come.”

Flores Blue will support Freya Beer at Stowmarket's John Peel Centre on November 8 and is supporting Langkamer at The Smokehouse in Ipswich on November 9.

To find out more about Flores Blue, go to instagram.com/floresbluemusic.