AN increase in shoplifting has been fuelled by a spike in incidents at Stane Retail Park, the police district commander has said.

Chief Insp Colin Cox made the claim during a meeting of the council’s crime and disorder panel on Tuesday evening.

Statistics show that although the overall crime rate for Colchester fell in the one-year period to June 2024, the number of shoplifting offences and business robberies had risen.

Committee – Colin Cox shared crime figures with Colchester Council's crime and disorder panel on Tuesday eveningCommittee – Colin Cox shared crime figures with Colchester Council's crime and disorder panel on Tuesday evening (Image: Daniel Rees, Newsquest)

Mr Cox said the rate of shoplifting offences and business robberies rose because of an increase in incidents at Stanway’s Stane Retail Park.

He said: “Shoplifting has increased in Colchester – we know that, and it’s a national problem.

“It’s increased by six per cent, with 70 offences more in Colchester – that’s not Castle ward, that’s actually Stanway, the retail park.

“It’s up there that we are seeing the largest increase.”

He said the six per cent rise in shoplifting offences in Colchester is lower than the average for the county, which has suffered from a 16.2 per cent increase.

Mr Cox also suggested criminals have become emboldened committing such crimes, with the rate of business robberies having also risen.

He said: “What we are seeing in Colchester is an increase in business robbery – and I don’t mean this to be people going into a shop and holding the shop up.

“This is a classification where someone goes into a shop, steals a loaf of bread or other goods, and is challenged by a member of the staff as they leave.

“They make a threat to that person – ‘get out of my way, or I’m going to hit you’.

Police – Chief Inspector Colin Cox said the force is making it easier for retailers to report incidents of shopliftingPolice – Chief Insp Colin Cox said the force is making it easier for retailers to report incidents of shoplifting (Image: Essex Police)

“That is technically a business robbery.”

He said Essex Police has responded to the rise in shoplifting and business robbery offences by launching a digital self-reporting pack for retailers so investigating officers could log evidence more quickly.

Other crime figures showed falls in sexual offences, residential burglaries, business and community burglaries, domestic abuse and anti-social behaviour.