COLCHESTER has been ranked among the top ten worst university cities for a night out.

Security experts at Get Licensed have looked into different categories to reveal the UK's best and worst university cities for nights out.

This comes ahead of Freshers Week at Essex University, which begins on September 30. 

Experts looked at the number of pubs, bars and clubs, the cost of a pint, the cost of a taxi, how safe people feel and the safety index score of each city.

Colchester came in sixth worst place with an overall score of 3.78 out of 10. 

The city's rankings in each category are listed below: 

  • Bars and clubs per 100k people: 17
  • Bars and nightclubs rated 3 stars and above: 77%
  • Pubs per 100k people: 38
  • Average pint of beer cost: £4.17
  • Average taxi cost per 1km: £1.22
  • Safety Index score (out of 100): 53
  • Worry of being mugged or robbed (out of 100): 37
  • Worry of being attacked (out of 100): 43
  • Feel safe walking alone at night (out of 100): 36

Colchester received the second highest Safety Score Index out of the top ten worst university cities for a night out in the UK.

Both the worry of being mugged or robbed and the worry of being attacked categories received the second lowest out of the top ten worst cities.

London took the unfortunate title of the worst city for a student night out, scoring just 1.36 out of 10. It also has the highest average beer price of £6.50 per pint and ranks third highest for taxi costs, at £1.95 per kilometre.