A DONOR was left speechless after getting a parking ticket while he was giving blood.

Dominic Waggett, 55, parked at Colchester United's stadium earlier this month for an appointment after responding to an emergency appeal for blood donors.

But he later got a letter saying he had to pay a £100 parking fine.

“I hadn’t been to give blood for a few years due to personal reasons,” said Mr Waggett.

“It had been a while, so I wasn’t aware of any changes to the parking policy.

“I turned up to the site, walked in and said hello, and then went on to donate.

“There was no sign posting about registering my vehicle and not many people around to update me.”

Following his appointment, Mr Waggett received a letter from Smart Parking informing him of the £100 fine.

He said: “I think it’s really rough that I’ve been fined whilst donating blood.

“The onsite team knew I hadn’t visited for a good while and had sent me no documentation to outline the parking changes.

“They should have offered me some help, or at least made me aware that I could be fined – I didn’t know and nobody told me.”

Mr Waggett fought the fine, but Smart Parking rejected his appeal and warned he would lose a potential discount if he were to take it further.

“I just think it’s a very money grabbing attitude from whoever is in charge of the parking," he said.

“They’re hiding behind a letter stating that I failed to do something, but it was an honest mistake.

“I was responding to an emergency appeal to give blood. I got nothing out of it but fatigue and a sore arm - and the thanks I get is a £100 fine.

“I feel they’re bribing me, saying the amount will be discounted to £60 if I pay it now.

“It reflects very poorly on Smart Parking and the football ground itself – it’s pure greed at the expense of someone acting for the greater good.”

He added: “I cannot afford to pay £100 every time I donate.

“This whole thing is totally unfair and unreasonable – it’s not like I parked in town to do some shopping.

“If I knew I had to register my car, I would have.”

A spokesman for Smart Parking said: "Smart Parking manage the car park at Colchester Football club to stop parking abuse and insure that only permitted motorists can park there. 

"To use the car park visitors must validate their parking, and there are numerous signs across the car park that highlight this. 

"In addition, the NHS Blood donation team have been advised of the parking procedures so they should make their visitors aware.

"In the case of Mr Waggart he did not validate his parking, so correctly received a charge.  

"Smart Parking are proud members of the British Parking Association (BPA) and operate a BPA audited appeals service."