A CRIMINAL targeting homes on a Colchester housing estate has left residents in fear for their safety and property.

The spate of incidents, which has involved cars and sheds being broken into o then St Michael’s estate, Shrub End, started two weeks ago.

But the police have been accused of showing a lack of urgency in response to the crimes.

Mum-of-two Sophie Greenwood, 24, said she had to chase Essex Police for updates after she reported the crook who ransacked her Vauxhall car.

She said: “It involves the same guy coming round most nights trying loads of doors on cars, houses and sheds.

Attempt - a man tries to get into a car in Beechwood CloseAttempt - a man tries to get into a car in Beechwood Close (Image: Social Media)

“He got into my car and stole money and everything out of the glove box, taking out the lightbulbs so he couldn’t be seen.”

The individual, who has been captured on ring doorbell footage by residents, appears to be a white male who wears a balaclava to disguise his identity.

Mrs Greenwood said the offences are made worse by the fact the man is targeting families.

“There are kids’ stickers all over the car, and two kids’ seats in the back," she said.

“I’m here by myself with two young children and I am looking out of the window every five minutes hoping he doesn’t break in.”

Residents have got together to share ring doorbell and dashcam footage on a community Facebook page, with videos and photographs showing the suspect trying to open doors to cars and houses between 3am and 5am in the morning.

A bike has also been stolen from one house on the estate, but that was not captured on video.

Mrs Greenwood claims the police have been flat-footed in their response to reports from members of the public.

She said: “I first called them about it and they said they would call me back.

“I had to chase them for the incident number – I had to tell them how bad it was.

Unnerving - a resident has said people have been left scared by the man who has broken into vehicles on the estateUnnerving - a resident said people have been left scared by the man who has broken into vehicles on the estate (Image: Social Media)

“I wasn’t brushed off by the police as such, but I didn’t think they are grasping how often it is happening and how scary it can be.”

She continued: “Every single bang, I am up at the window to see if someone is coming in my gate.

“It’s like he’s going trick or treating but he’s just helping himself to people’s stuff.”

'We will ensure we pursue all lines of reasonable enquiries open to us'

POLICE have said they are exploring all options as they try to pin down a suspect reported to have ransacked several vehicles in a large housing estate.

The masked individual, who has been filmed on ring doorbell cameras tying to get into cars and houses, has been seen in the St Michael’s estate in Shrub End, Colchester.

Police have been unable to track down the male but said they have received reports of the incidents.

A spokesman for Essex Police said: “We received a report of theft from a vehicle in Colchester on Wednesday 25 September.

“We understand the impact a crime such as this can have on victims and we’re currently looking into this incident and reports of other thefts from vehicles in the area.

“We will ensure we pursue all lines of reasonable enquiries open to us to identify any possible suspects and give victims of crime the service they deserve.”

Ward councillor Dave Harris said residents should ensure they are reporting as many incidents to the police as possible so the force has data to increase patrols.

He said: “My first piece of advice is to join the neighbourhood watch – that works well because they get crime figures and can report back to the police.

“The second thing is to keep reporting so police have the data for the area and can increase patrols where they need to.

“If people can afford it, they should consider getting ring doorbells and CCTV – it’s a real asset to have those.

“Some people can’t afford it, so they should keep vigilant and let other people know what is going on.”