A TALENTED American choir fronted by a comedic reverend will perform in Colchester in effort to help support a local environmental campaign.

Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir will perform at Colchester Arts Centre, on October 23, and music lovers will only have to pay what they can afford for a ticket.

The group from New York will be donating profits from the show to the Save The Wick campaign.

It’s a group set up in protest against the council approved plans to build 1,000 homes at the Middlewick Ranges.

Venue - Colchester Arts CentreVenue - Colchester Arts Centre (Image: Colchester Arts Centre)

The green space is believed to be “ecologically precious” and the group is concerned the private development will destroy the area and the wildlife homes that inhabit the land.

Fronted by the comedic character Reverend Billy, who is known for wearing a white suit and sporting an Elvis like hairdo, the group is a climate change and anti-consumer activist choir.

The choir’s show is known for a mix of energetic songs, humour, and Reverend Billy is based on an American TV evangelist preacher, but in this case, he preaches about climate change and extinction.

Martin Pugh from the Save The Wick campaign is thrilled about the event.

Fun - Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir performingFun - Reverend Billy & The Stop Shopping Choir performing (Image: John Quilty)

He said: “We’re delighted that Reverend Billy and The Stop Shop Choir are playing the Arts Centre and supporting our efforts to protect Middlewick Ranges.

“The Wick is a hotspot for wildlife and hosts a top two UK Nightingale population – who have just lost 1/5th of their habitat thanks to the reckless felling of woodland areas ahead to a planned sale.

“The plans to build on the rare acid grassland based on bad science have now unravelled and we believe sense will prevail.

“This concert will shine a spotlight on these monstrous plans – and give us a much needed good night out.

Anthony Roberts, director of Colchester Arts Centre said: “It’s the perfect match.

“The performance troupe’s vigour and colour on stage with this local campaign’s energy in the battle to protect wildlife and nature.”

The event will start at 8pm.

To find out more, visit colchesterartscentre.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/1173656473.