MOTORISTS are calling for something to be done over a “dangerous” crossroads junction following the latest in a string of incidents.

Emergency services rushed to the scene at the junction of Coach Road, Nayland Road, and London Road in West Bergholt after a two car crash. 

First aid was given to those involved in the crash on Sunday afternoon and two people were taken to Colchester Hospital.

Area - Nayland RoadArea - Nayland Road (Image: Google Maps)Driver Kevin Bull, who has lived in West Bergholt for 25 years, came across the incident on Sunday. 

He fears the junctions are an accident waiting to with Nayland Road being national speed limit. 

He’s used the junction “thousands of times” and when he uses Vinesse Road which leads to the crossroads, he claims the road curves away in both directions, meaning it is “impossible to see what is coming”.

Road - Nayland Road and the Coach Road junction on the leftRoad - Nayland Road and the Coach Road junction on the left (Image: Google Maps) He said: “How dangerous does it need to be before something is done?

“You have to creep forwards onto Nayland Road until you can either see it's clear to go, or that something is coming.

“By that point you are halfway out of the junction with something heading straight towards you, so it really is very dangerous.

“Nayland Road is national speed limit on that stretch and too many people that are driving straight through the junction, do so far too quickly.

“I am not at all surprised to see another accident there.

“I have witnessed many of them first hand over the years. Honestly, it is one of the most dangerous junctions around the area.”

Colchester Gazette reader Douglas Harper agreed with the crossroads are being dangerous and thinks there needs to be “bigger signposts and lighting” installed.

Councillor Dennis Willetts of the Lexden and Braiswick ward, said driving the road is "horrendous." 

He said: "There is no illumination at night, many unmarked junctions, you don’t know if the biggest combine harvester will pull in.

“It is a deep rural area, that carries significant risks for road users, some expect to speed down country lanes.

“No one in their right minds would try do 60 miles per hour down these lanes but some people do.

“Everyone should be proceeding with an adjacent degree of caution along these roads.

“Coach Road junction is just one of them, I don’t see what you can do about it though.

A spokesman for Essex Highways said: "Our Road Safety Engineering Team carries out reviews of collisions across the county to draw up potential road safety improvements and present them for funding.

"Analysis for 2025/26 has just started, which will include a review of any collisions at this junction.

"To maximise limited resources, we must consider locations with identified collision patterns provided to us by the police.

"We encourage residents to raise any safety concerns with their local Essex County Councillor, who can raise them for action as needed with the local highways panel."