POLICE have closed an investigation into the death of a baby who was found unresponsive in a Colchester flat earlier this year, a coroner has said.

Five-month-old Hailey Thompson was found on Tuesday, April 2 and was taken to Colchester Hospital, an inquest heard today.

She had been living in temporary accommodation at Seatrade House, North Station Road.

Area coroner for Essex, Michelle Brown, told the court attempts were made to resuscitate Hailey but the baby’s death was confirmed at 7.16am.

A post-mortem examination was undertaken by forensic pathologist Dr Virginia Fitzpatrick Swallow, but a cause of death still hasn’t been confirmed, the inquest heard.

Mrs Brown added a police investigation into Hailey’s death – which resulted in the arrest of a 23-year-old man and a 22-year-old woman on suspicion of causing or allowing the death of a child – has now been discontinued.

She said: “There was originally a police investigation but I have been notified by the police this morning that has ceased, so [the inquest] can go ahead in the normal way.”

Speaking to the Gazette, a Seatrade House resident said he was pleased the criminal investigation had concluded.

He said: “I think the people [whose baby died] must have moved out – this is a temporary accommodation block of flats, so people come in and out quite quickly.

“It’s sad for them – I feel bad for the parents having to go through that and everything.”

He added he moved into the accommodation after the death and was disconcerted when he read the Gazette article about the incident.

He said: “When I first moved here, I looked the place up straight away and [the baby death] was the first thing that popped up.

“It did make me think maybe this place isn’t the nicest to live.”

Another resident said she was taken aback when the news broke in April.

She said: “I was shocked, to be honest – it wasn’t the best thing to hear when you’re moving to some place new.”

“It’s still very upsetting – a baby died.

“It’s going to upset anyone really.”

A documentary inquest is expected to take place at a later date.