BABIES, whose mums need critical care, will not miss out on their breast milk, thanks to one caring midwife.

Lindsey Rose, who is based at Colchester General Hospital, raised £160 to buy two breast pumps for new mums being cared for in the high dependency unit (HDU).

Her donation, as a result of taking part in the Sudbury fun run, will mean mothers can express milk for their newborn babies.

Every year about six new mums are separated from their babies in hospital due to complications in childbirth, such as HELLP, a condition which occurs in women who have pre-eclampsia or eclampsia and who show signs of liver damage or abnormalities in blood clotting.

Mrs Rose said: “When I was a student midwife working on the Special Care Baby Unit at Colchester General Hospital, I became aware of a baby there who had not seen her mother for some days because she was in the high dependency unit with HELLP syndrome.

“There were not enough breast pumps at the hospital for the mum to use which meant her baby was missing out on the benefits of breast milk, so I decided to do something about it.”