The proposals by the Essex Fire Service are not clear.

Is there to be a reduction in front-line staff ? Is there to be a reduction in available equipment?

These are serious concerns for the following reasons: We rely on the fire service to attend serious road accidents, fires in housing, high-rise flats and such buildings as the high rise accommodation at the University of Essex to deal with chemical spillage and many other serious incidents.

Plus, we live in the age of terrorism where attacks by terrorists will certainly involve our fire service.

We rely on them to risk their lives to save others.

In today’s climate the threat of terrorism has not gone away and during this economic downturn where finance is tight, it is of the utmost importance that we maintain an up-to-strength fire service, police service and hospital staffing, and have in place other security initiatives.

A reduction in any of these valuable services can put lives at risk.

Ken Rogers
Fellow of the Institute of
International Security
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