I have just read your article on hospital parking charges.

My husband was unfortunate enough to be admitted last month. The day he was admitted it cost me £10, as it took nine hours for him to be given a bed.

He was on Copford ward, with unrestricted visiting, and we were told he would be in for two to three days.

Each day I visited, costing £5. By the end of the week, I had paid £40. I then purchased a weekly ticket for £12.

At the end of week two, he was discharged, only to be readamitted two days later as an emergency – another £10.

I left the hospital at 1.30am after he was admitted the second time.

There was no security present.

He then spent another two weeks on Copford ward, costing me a further £24. The total cost was £86.

My husband is 60, unemployed and receives no benefit, as I work two jobs (which I was unable to do for a month).

To travel from Dovercourt cost about £100 during the four weeks, and for him to watch telly £72!

Certainly not to be recommended if you are living on a budget like ours.

Harwich has a pretty hospital, but alas we cannot get treatment there. Shame.

Mrs I Rowse
Ashley Road