Four legs are better than two legs when it comes to winning races.

Flip - Lily Phillips and brother Freddy take part in the annual Little Totham pancake races. Picture: NICK OBANK 41057-3

Jack russell dog Cracker wasn't carrying a pan when he won the adult heat of the annual Little Totham pancake races.

But he was allowed the honour of winning because he didn't stop to gobble up pancakes dropped on the road by human entrants, said organisers' spokeswoman Vivienne Smith.

A crowd of spectators cheered the dozen children and half-dozen adults including Cracker's owner John Leeworthy and the two dogs who tackled the course through the village centre.

"It was the first time that everybody tossed their pancakes successfully, from small children to grandparents," said Mrs Smith.

Practical assistance was provided by the village's new community support officer Heather Owen, who held up the traffic.

Published Tuesday, February 22, 2005

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