The second stage of a £1 million refurbishment at a Colchester department store has been officially opened.

And Lorraine Barnett, sales and marketing director for Williams and Griffin, said: "If we don't move forward we will die. It's about attracting new customers but looking after our regulars.

"We want to go forward and be the best."

The store began revamping its women's fashion department in December.

The third and final phase - due to be completed mid-March - will include a £100,000 escalator from the women's fashion department to the second floor. It will replace one which had been in store since 1963.

The entire project is the biggest undertaken by Williams and Griffin in the past decade.

Ms Barnett said: "We want to create a boutique feel, but in a department store. We travelled to London, Italy and France to get ideas.

"A new rubber concrete floor, inspired by Selfridges & Co, in London, will be fitted. Some of the clothes railings are taken from designs we saw in Italy.

"It's about creating somewhere comfortable to shop."

Up to 14 new jobs could be created thanks to new fashion labels joining the department. The store currently employs 240 full and part-time staff.

The revamp includes:

A 500 fluorescent light tube-strip which will run from one end of the department to the other to help direct shoppers

A new £250,000 till system

Personal shoppers

An area to relax and wait while friends and family shop. It will have up to 14 seats and a £10,000 projection unit showing films and sport.

Published Friday February 18, 2005