A doctors' surgery is rallying support to challenge a cut in services ordered by its primary care Trust (PCT).

Since a new GP contract came into force last April, only two surgeries in Tendring are allowed to treat patients with minor injuries.

The rest must either go to Clacton or Colchester hospitals.

But The Surgery, in High Street, Thorpe, believes it has a right to offer the treatment despite not being commissioned to do so by Tendring Primary Care Trust.

Now, the rural surgery is set to challenge the decision saying it is unfair for its 2,700 patients to be expected to travel for a service it is happy to offer - and puts pressure on hospitals.

A spokesman for Tendring PCT said: "Representatives from the PCT plan to attend the meeting. The commissioning of services is reviewed on an on-going basis and we are always willing to listen to the public's views on healthcare provision."

Published Wednesday, February 9, 2005

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