The Witham to Hatfield Peverel link road has again been debated - with the possibility of adding a third lane to the existing A12.

Last night Witham Town Council heard a presentation from Mansour Motlagh, principal engineer of road project specialists Bullen Consultants, and Tim Hughes, of the Highways Agency.

Following a public inquiry in 2003, Government ministers accepted an inspector's recommendation to delay construction of a link road running along the south side of the A12, the option preferred by all councils in the area, while the merits of a northern route were investigated.

Mr Hughes told the meeting that it was the inspector's job to hear everyone's proposals, including the south side link road, a possible northern route or a third lane option on the A12 between the two towns.

He said: "The northern route should be looked at but there is also the possibility of adding a third lane.

"Any proposal about a third lane would have to be developed and worked into a scheme."

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Tuesday, January 18, 2005

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