An Essex farmer's potatoes could be the holy grail for chip-lovers - slimming spuds.

Heading for success - farmer Ian Mitchell, right, with his 'slimming spud'. Picture: STEVE ARGENT 40543-2

US researchers claim adora potatoes, produced and sold by Ian Mitchell, of Elmstead, contain a quarter fewer calories than other varieties.

With a third fewer carbohydrates than the average, they could even provide salvation for chip-craving followers of the controversial low-carb Atkins diet.

Mr Mitchell had no idea of the adora's nutritional qualities when he started to cultivate it seven years ago at Elmstead Hall.

Mr Mitchell was looking for a quick-growing crop he could sell to supermarkets early in the summer and was told the all-purpose kitchen potato, developed in the 1980s by Dutch firm HZPC, would be a good choice.

Following the claims made by the Florida research team about the potato's flab-busting properties, HZPC is said to be planning to market them across Europe as a healthy choice.

It is good news for Mr Mitchell, who is believed to be the only farmer in the country growing them.

He added: "We might get competition from the supermarkets now this has come out, but we will always be able to compete on price."

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Tuesday, January 18, 2005

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