Council workers left split bin bags on a Colchester estate, allowing rubbish to blow across the road.

Look at this mess - Dave Smith, of Old Heath Residents' Association, points out some of the rubbish left blown on Speedwell Road. (40398-2)

Residents of Speedwell Road, Old Heath, were disgusted after Colchester Council refuse collectors left the mess in their wake yesterday morning.

"The wind has blown this rubbish all over the place," said Dave Smith, chairman of Old Heath Residents' Association.

He added: "People are going to come home from work to have to deal with rubbish in their front gardens."

Old Heath has not experienced the problems with delayed collections which have drawn considerable criticism for Colchester Council.

Dave McManus, the council's waste manager, said problems had been caused in the past by animals tearing open rubbish bags. A clean-up team had been sent out as soon as they were informed of the mess.

"I will be talking to the crew about this," he said.

Published Friday, January 14, 2005

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