The survival rate of small businesses is higher in Essex than anywhere in the country.

According to the Colchester and North East Essex Business Enterprise Agency, the survival rate is 84 per cent after three years compared with a national average of 60 per cent.

"Small businesses do seem to flourish in this area," said Bob Baggally, the agency's chief executive.

"With 60,000 small businesses, Essex has far more than anywhere else in the region."

The agency is currently marking its 20th anniversary during which time it has helped some 20,000 businesses get off the ground.

Its six business specialists offer free advice to anyone thinking of starting a business or those who have already taken the plunge. They advise on such matters as planning, financing, marketing and staffing.

It also arranges training programmes through the Colchester Institute and the Essex Chambers of Commerce.

Mr Baggally said: "We used to be seen as the last resort for those looking for work, but now we are often the first stop for people who have already had a successful career as an employee and are looking to start their own business."

The majority of start-ups are in the service sector with estate agencies, recruitment advisers and financial services among the most popular.

Of those who seek advice, the agency reckons two thirds pursue their objectives, with a third deciding against a business after a chat with an adviser.

"The most common problem is lack of proper planning," said Mr Baggally.

"People often have good ideas but have not thought them through properly. We try to provide the missing link - the practical side of things."

It has had some outstanding successes and organises an annual awards scheme to mark special achievements.

The current holders include a Colchester company, JC Fuels, which converts waste cooking oil into motor fuel.

"It is a highly-innovative and environmentally-friendly business which has really taken off," said Mr Baggally.

He and his advisers will be looking for more potential success stories at a special open evening next week for anyone considering starting a business.

They can get advice on a range of business subjects and can test their knowledge with the experts.

The free event takes place at Weeley council offices, Thorpe Road, Weeley, on January 19 from 6pm to 8pm.

For more information, contact 01206-548833.

Brought to you by the Evening Gazette