Taliesin Stevenson is preparing to be seen on the small screen - and it is something he is getting used to.

TV star - Taliesin Stevenson, seen here with his mother Olivia and sister Emily at their Kelvedon home, is featured in the BBC TV series Child Of Our Time. Picture: NICK OBANK (40435-2)

He was one of 25 babies chosen five years ago to feature in the BBC television series Child Of Our Time.

It is an experiment to discover if the way we are brought up dictates the way we will turn out or if it is something we are born with.

They will be filmed for the next 20 years.

Five-year-old Taliesin, who has already appeared on and off over the past five series, will feature prominently in the final episode of the current series on January 25.

When filming began in 2000, Taliesin, his parents Olivia and Robin Stevenson and sister Emily, now nine, lived in Southend.

But last year, the Stevensons moved to Church Road, Kelvedon, after becoming unhappy with where they were living.

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Wednesday, January 12, 2005

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