Passers-by have been doing a double take when they see the glory of a full-size nativity scene in the front garden of a house in Colchester.

See the glory - Rowan and Dolly James with their children Tremayne, Tyson and Gabriela outside their Colchester home adorned with a life-size nativity scene. Picture: NICK OBANK (39942-2)

Dolly and Rowan James have been putting their spectacular festive decorations up at their home on the corner of Starling Road and Barn Hall Avenue for ten years.

Mrs James, 46, confessed they were "Christmas-mad" and said hundreds of people come to gaze in wonder at their home. She said even Father Christmas from a local Rotary club had come to have his picture taken outside their gloriously lit-up property.

Further down Starling Road, Dean and Jayne Coulson's festive decorations have also been getting attention from people passing by.

Published Friday, December 24, 2004

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