Colchester United's soccer aces brought some special festive cheer to young hospital patients.

Lifting spirits - Lisa Hills and son Thomas are joined by U's star Ben Bowditch at Colchester General Hospital. Picture: NICK OBANK (40193-1)

Stars, including midfielder Kem Izzet, defenders Pat Baldwin and Liam Chilvers, keeper Aidan Davison and manager Phil Parkinson, made the trip to the children's ward at Colchester General Hospital.

Youngsters chatted with their heroes, who dished out U's goody-bags containing posters and programmes during the hour-long visit.

A club spokesman said: "This is the third or fourth year in a row that a group of players has gone down to visit the kids.

"It's not an easy time for the youngsters' families so it is great if we can help cheer them up."

Published Thursday, December 23, 2004

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