Monsoon, the women's clothes shop which was forced to move from its Eld Lane premises in Colchester after a fire damaged the building, has doubled its sales in its new temporary premises.

The store is now operating in the old Disvoery store opposite Colchester Town Hall in High Street.

Manager Anneline Frost said: "The fire came at the worst possible time but thankfully our move to High Street has helped rather than hampered us. Business has been excellent."

But Monsoon will have to move into permanent premises in January after its temporary lease expires.

Anneline said: "High Street is a great location but we don't know if there are any premises available. We shall just have to wait and see."

Though Christmas businesss is booming, Anneline is uncertain about the New Year.

""Having to move once is bad enough, but twice makes it very disruptive and means our customers will have to rediscover us again."

Published Thursday December 23, 2004

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