Struggling taxi drivers in Clacton are angry that inconsiderate shoppers are damaging their cars at one of the busiest ranks in the town.

Trolleys are continually left on the footpath outside the Waterglade Retail Park in Old Road - and they have rolled off into vehicles.

Now, drivers are calling for action to be taken to sort out the problem.

Terry Sullivan, of Crossways, Jaywick, said his new car was dented, scratched and the wing mirror chipped, just a week after he had splashed out £13,000 to buy it.

"It will cost about £300 to repair, but more annoying is that the vehicle will be off the road for two days and that will mean two days' lost earnings," he said.

Mr Sullivan said he had spoken to Tendring Council about the problem but had not got anywhere.

Tendring district councillor Roy Smith said he would speak with the council's highways department.

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Thursday, December 23, 2004

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