Businesses in mid-Essex were left counting the cost today after an explosion left them without power.

People across Witham, Hatfield Peverel, Terling, Fairstead, White Notley and Faulkbourne were all affected after an electricity sub-station in Cut Throat Lane, Witham, exploded at about 7am on Monday morning.

By this morning, 362 homes were still without power.

Ofgem says that where customers are without power for more than 18 hours the electricity firm can make a payment of £50 to domestic customers and £100 to business customers.

The power cut affected streetlamps and left the Witham Safeway store and other businesses in the dark. Apart from a couple of smaller stores only a handful of shops were left open in both the Grove and Newlands shopping centres.

Bramston Sports Centre had to cancel all of its afternoon school swimming lessons but was open today.

John Bramston School remained closed today but others forced to close yesterday have resumed classes.

Published Tuesday, October 5, 2004

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