Notley residents of all ages are being encouraged to take part in a community event that's just plain daff!

A daffodil planting project, involving residents of Great Notley, pupils of the two nearby primary schools and other groups, will take place during the half-term holiday,

The aim of the project is to replace the daffodils outside the London Road entrance to the White Court estate, which were largely lost during road-widening work several years ago.

Daffodil bulbs will be provided, as will some tools, but it would be helpful if everyone taking part brought a small trowel.

The planting will take place from 10am to 1pm on October 27.

Anyone wanting to take part must register through their school or by phoning Martin Fee between 6pm and 9pm on 01376 330315, by October 15.

Published Monday, October 4, 2004

Brought to you by the Evening Gazette