A school has been watching what it eats as part of a Government initiative.

Pupils Ben Duncombe and Lauren Mudle with Paul Miles of Colchester United Community Sports Trust

Lyons Hall Primary School, in Deerleap Way, Braintree, is taking part in a health week involving a variety of groups visiting the school.

Yesterday staff from Colchester United came in to speak to year three children about fitness and activities.

Rachel Pritchard, deputy headteacher, said: "They spoke to the kids about healthy eating and about how it affects people, especially athletes and footballers.

"The whole aim of the week is make the kids more aware. If they've had a happy week then we hope they'll have a healthy week. When someone brings in something like chocolate others will say why it isn't healthy. It's good to notice the change in their lunchboxes."

Published Wednesday, September 29, 2004

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