A collection of historic military artefacts in Maldon could expand.

The Combined Military Services Museum, in Station Road, is looking to extend its premises so even more items from wars fought in the past can be added to its already bulging stock.

Many people have been coming to visit the museum, which includes tanks positioned outside, so the owner Richard Wooldridge is looking to extend the site according to curator, Marilyn Bullivant.

She said: "We are in the throes of trying to get some extra land which is not very easy. If we were to extend it we would have to use the land where the car park is situated so we would need to find somewhere else for the car park.

"If the museum was extended we would be looking to add to our current collection with similar artefacts so we can add to what we already have, but there are items which we do not yet have here."

Published Tuesday September 14, 2004

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