Police are appealing for information on a trio of young bogus callers who stole money from a pensioner in Braintree.

The incident happened in High Garrett, Braintree, on Tuesday afternoon just before 4pm.

A woman spotted a youth in her back garden after being called to the front door by two other youths. At the same time, she realised her 90-year-old neighbour's back door was open.

The police spokesman said: "It appears that this boy had entered the next door neighbour's house and approximately £20 was stolen."

The three were all in their 20s and one was of mixed race appearance, wearing a white jacket with navy stripes down both arms.

The second boy was not very tall but well built with spiky fair hair. He was wearing a dark-coloured jumper and jeans. The third was believed to be younger than the first two and was wearing dark clothing.

Anyone who recognises the descriptions or has any information about the theft can contact Jane Godfrey at Braintree police station on 01376 551312

Published Thursday, September 9, 2004

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