A brave great-grandmother knocked a mugger to the ground as he tried to snatch her handbag.

Take that - great-grandmother Paulette Burgess Picture: ROB BROWNE

The thief got more than he bargained for when Paulette Burgess, 76, struck back in Hamlet Court Road, Westcliff.

She said: "This fella was coming down the street and as he passed me he tried to get hold of my handbag. We had a tug of war with the bag and I then punched him in the stomach with it."

"Some women came out and offered me a cup of tea. I said I'll be OK and went home and made a nice cup of tea. I'm wonderwoman, you see!"

PC Ben Brodderick, of Southend police, said: "I think it took him by surprise."

The thief who pounced at 3.30pm on Thursday is white, aged 30, 5ft 9ins tall with light ginger hair. He wore a black baseball cap, black top with a yellow stripe down the side.

Anyone with information is asked to call Southend police on 01702 431212.

Published Monday August 16, 2004

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