No to flats! That was the clear and strong message from more than 100 anxious residents who packed out a meeting to oppose plans to develop Highlands Chalet Park in Thorpe Road, Clacton, for 134 new homes.

People living in the area would be happy to see bungalows built on the site but are totally opposed to two and three-storey flats, which they feel are out of keeping with the surrounding area.

There was standing room only at the meeting on Wednesday night and the residents set up a fighting fund to campaign against the scheme for Burfoot Construction.

They are having leaflets and posters printed and are preparing to fight the application when it comes up before Tendring councillors.

The firm wants to build 68 two-bedroom flats, 51 three-bedroom bungalows and 16 two-bedroom bungalows on the land.

It previously put in plans for 91 bungalows, which were agreed but never implemented.

Sue Smith, one of the campaign organisers, said: "The whole idea of this meeting and what we are trying to do is to stop the flats it is a definite no to flats."

Published Friday August 13, 2004

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