The Union flag will be flying in front of the town hall everyday of the year after councillors agreed to abandon long established custom.

Council leader, Cllr Brandon Lewis, said the annual £2,000 cost of flying the Union flag throughout the year alongside the borough flag was worth it to show the patriotism of the borough.

He said: "We promised to do this and wanted to do this because as a group we are that patriotic."

Up until now the Union flag - which traditionally combines the Red Cross of St George with the white cross of St Andrew and the cross of St Patrick - has only been flown in line with the days set out by Debrett's Correct Form and Whitaker's Almanac.

Deputy leader, Cllr Frank Kenny, who proposed the change insisted it was an important gesture.

He said: "The flying of the flag indicates both local and national pride within the town. We have seen what football can do to engender national pride and we should be encouraging that and bringing it to the level it should be.

However, some members of the borough's Policy Board questioned the decision.

Cllr Barry Aspinell called for the flag of St George to be flown: "I question the choice of the Union flag not because I am not patriotic, but this is England and so why not use our flag."

Published Friday August 6, 2004

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