A widow is sending her late husband off with a bang by blasting his ashes 600ft into the air inside giant fireworks.

The Colchester man's ashes will be fired into the night sky using a dozen football-sized rockets, which will then explode in a dazzling display watched by relatives.

Stanway-based specialists Dynamic Fireworks agreed to carry out the unusual ceremony after being approached by the family, who asked to remain anonymous.

"We got a phone call about two months ago and they explained what they wanted to do," said display director Nigel Claydon.

"We said we could do it once they sorted the paperwork out.

"It was this gentleman's request to go out with a bang and we are pleased to be able to honour his wishes, and those of his widow.

"We are preparing 12 special aerial shells, which will hold the ashes and explode at 600 feet in spectacular fashion."

The private ceremony is being carried out on Friday night.

Published Thursday August 5, 2004

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