Vehicles of all shapes and descriptions have drawn the crowds to a special show.

Gleaming - Tommy White shows off his 1979 Bulldog Mac truck Picture: ROB SAMBROOK

The annual West Bergholt Historic Vehicle Show is now in its 19th year and is as popular as ever.

Thousands of visitors turned up for the two-day show at Nayland Road and there was plenty for them to see.

Classic cars, lorries and motor cycles lovingly restored by their owners were on display at the show.

Highlights this year included a 1920s steam lorry and vehicles built by long-forgotten companies like Armstrong Siddeley as well as Austin, Ford and Morris cars from the years between the wars.

And if that was not enough, transport from an earlier age was also on display in the form of a parade of Suffolk punch horses and bands from the British Legion and the Scouts took part as well.

All proceeds from the event will be going to the Essex Air Ambulance.

Published Tuesday July 27, 2004

Brought to you by the Evening Gazette